Voice and text-led poetic performance about a woman and a country striving to be (in)security
It took a significant moment in the history of Lithuania, known as the Baltic Way, as its starting point. This event – a peaceful protest during which two million people joined hands to form a human chain spanning over six hundred kilometres across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – became an important milestone in the lives of many Lithuanians after which the liberation of their homeland from the occupation by USSR followed. Drifting in and out of the various memories of one person’s life after this important moment in the personal and the political history, this performance invited its participants to immerse themselves into a state of wakeful dreaming where story-teller’s and audience’s memories merged into one.
Premiered in December 2019 at the International Tiro Arts Festival, Lebanese National Theatre in Tyre, Lebanon where it received a Best Script Award.
Milda’s responsibilities in the project: researcher, author, director, main performer.